Sunday, August 4, 2024

08/04/2024 Tracheostomy Change


It has been roughly 90 days since Jacob's last trach change. We were scheduled to do this on August 10, but since our off-road ride is scheduled for that day, I elected to do it today instead. Following Dr. DeSilva's advice, I "flushed" the trach prior to making the change. 

The flush consists of deflating the inner cuff, while suctioning. Then reinflating the cuff and stop. Repeat this procedure three times. Doing this allows any excess buildup of drainage to run towards the lungs, while suctioning it back out. The whole point of this procedure is to keep Jacob from getting sick. Every time we've done this change, he has had a slight fever, with body aches and chills. He would be lethargic for a couple of days after every tracheostomy change.

Unlike previous times, Dr. DeSilva's procedure proved to be the trick! This was the best change we have had since the beginning. No fever, no sickness, a perfect change!

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