Tuesday, December 19, 2023

12/19/2023 Cardiologist


Due to the respiratory trauma Jacob suffered on November 5, Dr. Ahmed Sakkal, the ICU cardiologist, had put Jacob on a drug called Amiodarone. Amiodarone is a very dangerous heart medication. It is generally referred to as a last resort medicine because of its long-term side effects, such as pulmonary fibrosis, thyroid dysfunction, hepatitis, neurotoxicity, and even death. Definitely something we did not want Jacob taking.

(12/07/2023) At our four week follow up appointment, I had asked Dr. Sakkal to take Jacob off of this medicine. It was only supposed to be a four week medicine to begin with. He would not stop the drug, but instead reduced it to an every other day dosing. After learning all of the dangerous side effects, I made the decision to call the doctor today with an ultimatum. He agreed to take Jacob off of Amiodarone and replaced it with a beta blocker, called Metoprolol Tartrate. 

Because of the doctors refusal to remove this dangerous drug from our 24-year-old child, in spite of my ultimatum, I still decided to seek a different cardiologists. We were able to get a referral to Dr. Stanton, arguably the best cardiologist in our state.

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