Wednesday, March 23, 2022

03/23/2022 2nd Opinion


Dr. Hollinger referred us to Dr. Robert Neel with the University of Cincinnati. Today we drove to Cincinnati Ohio for our meeting with Dr. Neel. He was able to confirm the ALS diagnosis within 20 or 30 minutes of a hands-on examination. Dr. Neil recommended a clinical trial for Jacob. He gave me the emaila clinical trial for Jacob. He gave me the email for Dr. Stephen Kolb of Ohio State University and was going to also give me the information for the University of Kentucky. One or both of those doctors. address for Dr. Stephen Kolb of Ohio State University and he was also going to also give me the information for the doctor at the University of Kentucky. One, or both, of these doctors were believed to be conducting a clinical trial for the exact genetic mutation affecting Jacob. 

I emailed Dr Kolb at OSU before we left Dr Neel's office.

At this point, Jacob is using a cane for assisted walking in an attempt to offset his severe limp.

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