Wednesday, July 24, 2024

07/24/2024 McDonalds Fundraiser


Tonight was our second annual McDonald's fundraiser. We use this event to raise funds for our "Wheelin' for ALS" event. McDonald's hosted us from 5 PM to 8 PM, with a portion of the store sales going to our cause, as well as donations from tip buckets located around the property. The Winfield Baptist Church youth group showed up to assist both in and out of the store. It was a HUGE success, which brought in approximately $2000 in total raised funds for the night!

Friday, July 19, 2024

07/19/2025 ALS Clinic


We attended the ALS Clinic at Marshall University today. Our appointment went great. Dr Hollinger seemed pleased with Jacob’s progress and made no new recommendations.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

07/07/2024 Stopped Glycopyrrolate


Dr. Hollinger stopped the glycopyrrolate (Robinul) for slobbers. 

Things are going great. This was a temporary drug to control, slobbers and excessive secretions. Jacob's body has grown accustomed to the tracheostomy, and even after stopping the drug, we have seen no increase in his secretions, so this is one less foreign substance in his body.

07/07/2024 Stopped Tobramycin


The second 28 days of Tobramycin Is complete. We will pick this back up 28 days from now.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

07/04/2024 New Arm Movement


Barb has begun doing home exercises with Jacob. These exercises are very similar to what Jacob receives at physical therapy each week. She does this 20 to 30 minute routine with him, at least once a day, sometimes twice. 

These exercises have limbered Jacobs joints up allowing him to have less atrophy and more movement in his limbs. 

Today, she discovered his left arm having more strength. In fact, by simply keeping his arm balanced by holding his fingers, he is able to move his arm back and forth using his own strength.


See Video Here: