Thursday, April 25, 2024

04/25/2024 More Antibiotics


Jacob’s peg (feeding) tube is oozing, and it could be infected at the stomach entrance. Dr. Hollinger wanted us to go to the ER, but we elected to take him to Dr. Trump at Dunbar medical. Dr. Trump elected to do a culture swab and discovered that it is, once again pseudomonas. He prescribed a liquid antibiotic, levofloxacin 20 mg once per day.

Friday, April 19, 2024

04/19/2024 ALS Clinic


Today was our final ALS Clinic at Smith Hall/Marshall University. Everything went great, and our doctor is very pleased with Jacob‘s condition.

Friday, April 12, 2024

04/12/2024 Tobramycin


We were finally able to get Jacob‘s 28 day prescription for Tobramycin filled. This will be administered via nebulizer twice a day for the next 28 days. We will then run 28 days off of the drug, followed by an appointment to formulate a plan, moving forward.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

04/07/2024 Cefepime Antibiotic


After our most recent hospital stay, Jacob was placed on a seven day antibiotic treatment (Cefepime*), which required injection, via a picline tube in his arm. We finished this run of antibiotics on Friday morning, April 5. Tyler, from Home Health, came by and removed the picline on Saturday morning, April 6. 

* Cefepime is usually reserved to treat moderate to severe drug-resistant microorganisms (e.g. Pseudomonas)