Wednesday, January 31, 2024

01/31/2024 ENT 2nd Visit


We went back to Dr. Stull's office for a follow up visit and tracheostomy change. I actually did the change, while the doctor supervised and assisted me. Jacob despises the trach change. It causes coughing, slight fever, and much suctioning and discomfort. We have elected to limit these changes to every six weeks now. 

The doctor said any additional visits would be as needed.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

01/30/2024 Heart Monitor


I received a ZIO heart monitor by mail and applied it to Jacob's chest today. It is supposed to stay on him for two weeks.  

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

01/24/2024 First Visit with Dr Stanton


Today was our very first visit with Dr. Stanton. He is considered by most to be the best cardiologists in our area! He generally only sees four patients a day and is nearing retirement, however, he was kind enough to see Jacob! After our initial meeting, he quickly determined that there were no issues with Jacob's heart, but to be safe, he would be bringing us back in two days to perform further tests, an echocardiogram, and a two week review of a heart monitor. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

1/10/2024 More Leg Pain


As with almost every dosing, Jacob's legs began to hurt after a few days. This time, however, when mom gave him Advil, it went away and did not return. Other than a little bit of pain on Wednesday, there was no additional discomfort from this dosing.

Monday, January 8, 2024

01/08/2024 #10 ION363 (#4 in Phase 2)


This is our first dosing with the tracheostomy. Dr. Kolb was a little apprehensive, but everything went as smooth as possible! We are very excited about this dosing and expect big things soon.