Tuesday, August 15, 2023

08/15/2023 NEW Leg Movement


Back home from Ohio State. Almost immediately, we notice new movement in Jacob's legs! The movement of his legs increase for the next several days. It is not a hugely significant amount of movement, but we are grateful for any signs of returning strength.

Monday, August 14, 2023

08/14/2023 #8 ION363 (Loading Dose)


Back to Ohio State University for the "Loading Dose". The loading dose is the second dosing after beginning phase 2. It's called a loading dose, because if Jacob was on a placebo for phase 1, it will be the ion363 drug. If he was on the ion363 drug for phase 1, the loading dose will be a placebo. 

This is to ensure he is not given too much of a good thing. Also, the loading does consists of the exact amount of CFS fluid that is removed. In other words, 20 cc out, 20 cc back in.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

08/12/2023 Second Annual "Wheelin for ALS" Offroad Ride


Our second annual off-road ride was twice as productive as our first! We brought in over $20,000 cash, with another two to $3000 in various prices and services. We hosted this years event at the public land, known as Sanderson. This will likely be our venue for the next several events due to its popularity with the off-road community.