Wednesday, March 22, 2023

03/22/2023 Hemotology


Back to Ohio State University – Wexner Medical Center, in Columbus. We saw hematologist, Dr. Archarya. Jacobs ALT liver enzyme levels were now up to 244. Normal ALT levels should be around 30 to 40. Certainly not 244 which was borderline cirrhosis.

Friday, March 10, 2023

03/10/2023 Astral Vent


Jacob's breathing had dropped dangerously low and he required non-invasive ventilation. This is a ventilator that he was able to wear at night, much like a CPAP. The astral ventilator is amazing and Jacob loves it!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

03/01/2023 Liver Problems


Jacob's bloodwork has been showing indications of a fatty liver, and very high liver enzyme numbers. Today we had an appointment in Columbus for a liver ultrasound and additional bloodwork. Ionis is concerned about the liver numbers. We are convinced it's from the drug, Riluzole, and not the clinical trial.