Saturday, February 25, 2023

02/25/2023 Racing for ALS


Today is Jacob's birthday! We drove to Wytheville, Virginia to meet Scott Lloyd, and his father, David Lloyd SR, to take delivery of our new 2021 Chrysler, Pacifica, ADA van! 

Friday, February 17, 2023

02/17/2023 ALS Clinic


ALS clinic today. Everything is still pretty much the same as 90 days ago. Breathing is now down to 15% but the oxygen levels are very good. Dr recommended considering a feeding tube. Jacob's weight is down to 146 pounds.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

02/15/2023 Riluzole - BAD


Cortni, from Marshall Health, called and asked us to stop the Riluzole. Jacob's liver enzymes have risen and is likely due to this drug.