Wednesday, November 23, 2022

11/23/2022 Hunting!


I took Jacob hunting. We spent the day at Uncle Joe and Pauline's farm, in our blind. At 4:30 PM, Jacob spotted a deer! The shot would end up being over 200 yards. Unfortunately, Jacob was unable to grip the rifle, so he asked me to take the shot. The rangefinder put it at 225 yards. I shot and dropped it where it stood! Jacob had a blast… This was a great day!

Monday, November 21, 2022

11/21/2022 Massage by Pam


Pam is massaging Jacob once a week. She's beginning to notice more muscle formation and movement in Jacob's back and left leg. 3 inches of more muscle than two weeks ago. I had actually marked his leg with a sharpie to measure the muscle growth.

Friday, November 18, 2022

11/18/2022 Marshall ALS Clinic


Today was the ALS clinic at Marshall University. Everyone is amazed at Jacob's health! He has gained weight and strength on a small scale in some parts of his body.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

11/17/2022 Subtle Changes


We are seeing subtle changes. Jacob's core seems to be strengthening and his toes are wiggling a little bit.