Sunday, June 12, 2022

06/12/2022 HERMSTAD


Today, we were contacted by Lori Hermstad of Iowa. Lori is the mother of twins, Alex and Jaci Hermstad. Jaci was the first human to try the ION363 (JaciFUSen) drug.

Please take a moment to visit the links below and learn more about these two heroes! Join me in honoring their memory and the incredible battle they both fought against this monster, ALS! 

(Lori, we love you)

At the time of the above article (May 15th 2019), Jaci was still fighting... sadly she succumbed to the disease on May 1st, 2020, just 15 short months after her diagnosis. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

06/06/2022 ION363 #2 Dose


Back to Ohio State University for Jacob's second dose of the clinical trial drug. This one is called the "loading dose".

At this point, Jacob is using a cane and is rapidly losing function in his legs.