Thursday, May 12, 2022

05/12/2022 Massage Therapy


A friend and coworker of Barb's (Pam Ooten) volunteered her professional masseuse skills, to help Jacob maintain muscle mass and expel any atrophy. Dr. Kolb and Hollinger agreed that this was a good thing to do and certainly could not hurt! 

This would be a our first massage today, and moving forward, it would be a once a week regiment from now on. Additionally, Jacob continues with physical therapy at Teays Physical Therapy.

Monday, May 9, 2022

05/09/2022 ION363 Initial Dose



Back to Ohio State University for Jacob's first dose of ION363, a.k.a. Jacifusen. The drug is administered via lumbar puncture. The doctor removed 20 cc of CSF fluid from Jacob's spine and replaced it with the ION363 protocol.

As with most clinical trials, there is a one in three chance that Jacob will not receive the actual medicine and be given a placebo instead. This particular clinical trial is a double blind. This means no one knows now, or ever will know, whether or not Jacob is/was on the actual protocol or placebo.

Phase 1 of the clinical trial will continue this way for the next year, or until Jacob declines to the point that rescue is necessary in order to save his life.