Friday, December 24, 2021

12/24/2021 Covid Vaccines


The Moderna Covid booster was now available, so the three of us received our booster shot on Christmas Eve at Fruth pharmacy in Winfield.

The booster had no effect on Barb and Jacob, but I was not so lucky. I spent all day Christmas in bed sick. The effects of the booster wore off very quickly however, and I was back to normal within a day or two.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

12/15/2021 What's with the limp?


 Barb began to notice Jacob limping. When questioned, he explained that his boots are hurting his feet, so we drove him to D&D Outfitters to buy a new pair of work boots.

The new boots seemed to help, and although the soreness left, the limp continued....