Friday, December 24, 2021

12/24/2021 Covid Vaccines


The Moderna Covid booster was now available, so the three of us received our booster shot on Christmas Eve at Fruth pharmacy in Winfield.

The booster had no effect on Barb and Jacob, but I was not so lucky. I spent all day Christmas in bed sick. The effects of the booster wore off very quickly however, and I was back to normal within a day or two.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

12/15/2021 What's with the limp?


 Barb began to notice Jacob limping. When questioned, he explained that his boots are hurting his feet, so we drove him to D&D Outfitters to buy a new pair of work boots.

The new boots seemed to help, and although the soreness left, the limp continued....

Monday, November 8, 2021

11/08/2021 Back to Work!!!


After a week of recovering from the virus, Jacob was finally able to return to work!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

11/03/2021 Picornavirus!!!


CAMC Hospital called with Jacob's test results. It isn't Covid! Instead, it is a small RNA virus, known as Picornavirus. It includes rhinovirus, enterovirus, hand-foot-mouth disease, etc. 

Jacob would miss the entire week of work.

What is picornavirus? Click the link below to learn more about it. 

Picornaviruses - Medical Microbiology - NCBI Bookshelf (

I would later discover the following study, which suggests a possible link between picornavirus and ALS.

Enteroviral Infection: 
The Forgotten Link to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?

Enteroviral Infection: The Forgotten Link to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? - PMC (

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

11/02/2021 Back to the Doc


Today we had a new appointment with Dunbar Medical. They asked Jacob to come through the rear door, again due to Covid concerns. After a brief exam, Jacob was sent to Charleston Area Medical Center in Teays Valley for a drive-through test. It was a 12-panel nasal swab. Now we wait for the results.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

11/01/2021 Off to Work


Jacob woke up today and decided to go to work. He wasn't there long before they sent him back home. The fear, of course was Covid. I called Dr. Trump at Dunbar medical to schedule an appointment. Dr. Trump would see Jacob first thing tomorrow morning.

10/31/2021 No Church Today?


Jacob woke up this morning feeling much worse than the day before. His flu like symptoms continued, so he made the decision to stay home from church today, hoping his symptoms were simply a reaction to the flu shot, or a 24 hour bug.

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 30, 2021 - The Flu?

 October 30, 2021

After receiving our flu shot the previous day, Jacob woke up the morning of Saturday the 30th feeling a bit rough. We attended my uncle Patrick's celebration of life in Columbus, and as the day progressed, Jacob continued to go from bad to worse. We assumed it was a reaction to the flu shot, which is not uncommon, but we kept our distance from everyone due to the possibility of Covid. We left a little early to get him back home, so he could rest up and recover.

October 29, 2021 - The Beginning of it All


 Today, Jacob and I drove to Dunbar Medical Associates in Teays Valley for flu shots. Dr. Trump had recommended the shots, and this was something that Jacob normally did every year anyway. Personally, I had only received a flu shot a couple of times throughout my life, but since Jacob was getting his, I elected to receive mine as well.